MINAS SLATE - Ardoise brésilienne
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- SLATE PAVING | brazilianslate
PAVAGE EN ARDOISE COULEURS : - GRAPHITE NOIR (Montauk Black, Preta, Negra) - GRIS (Jaddish, Montauk Blue, Cinza, Gris) - MULTICOLORE (Rusty, Ferrugem, Oxidada) Tailles standards : 40x20 cm / 40x40 cm / 60x40 cm 60x30 cm / 60x60 cm / 60x90 cm grands et petits motifs romains / caisses de tailles mixtes sur votre demande Épaisseur: - calibré sur - non calibré / 2,0 cm divisé à la main 2,5 cm 2,0~2,5 cm Brazilian Natural Slate stone is widely regarded as an excellent choice due to its strength, its hard-wearing properties, smooth surface and non-fading colors. It is perfect for the contemporary garden landscape and for home interiors too. We produce paving slate slabs in a wide range of sizes and mix of sizes: Standard sizes: Single Size Pack 900 x 600 Single Size Pack 600 x 600 Single Size Pack 400 x 600 Single Size Pack 300 x 600 SMALL ROMAN PATTERN PACK BIG ROMAN PATTERN PACK ANY OTHER MIXED SIZES CRATE UPON YOUR SPECIFICATION PREMIER RANGE PAVING SLABS are CALIBRATED to exact thickness 20 mm, 22 mm, 25 mm or 30 mm STANDARD RANGE PAVING are splitted manually in thickness 18~22mm, 20~25mm, 25~30 mm Enhance your garden, patio, or entire yard, choosing our Minas Slate Brazilian slate. Why to choose our slabs ~ natural stone (add value to a project) ~ a non-porous material ~ stain resistant (perfect for interior and exterior use) ~ all our paving slate slabs have machine sawn edges and perfect square, making it easy to install ~ our slate has a very clean split surface which is very smooth, but at the same moment it is a natural anti-slipping material ~ high-quality and stunning aesthetic. Our natural slate has a breathtaking texture which is sure to stand out above, and last longer than other natural stones ~ low maintenance (easy to clean, hard wearing and water resistant)